VSC API Documentation

INF0: 50 requests per minute. Please try again later if exceeded.

This API endpoint allows you to register a new user on the Valorant Store Checker service.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • email
      • The email address of the user for registration.
      • String, required
    • password
      • The password for the user accoun.
      • String (min 8 Characters long), required
    • name
      • Full name of the user.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/register' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "email": "EMAIL", "password": "PASSWORD", "name": "FULL_NAME" }'

{ "status": "OK", "id": "USER_ID", "msg": "Account created successfully.", "customerId": "cus_XXXXcSXXmLXXXX", "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

Register a new user on the Valorant Store Checker API.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • email
      • The email address of the user for registration.
      • String, required
    • password
      • The password for the user accoun.
      • String (min 8 Characters long), required
    • name
      • Full name of the user.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/login' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "email": "EMAIL", "password": "PASSWORD", }'

{ "login": true, "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "profile": "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/rank/unranked.png", "region": "ap", "uid": "USER_ID", "name": "NAME", "user": "USER_EMAIL", "password": "PASSWORD", "token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "ban": Boolean, "verified": Boolean, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint allows you to connect to the Valorant Store Checker service and retrieve information related to a Riot ID. Users will be automatically disconnected from the Valorant Store Checker service after one hour of connecting.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • password
      • The Password associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • region
      • The Region associated with the Valorant account.
        • `ap` (Asia Pacific)
        • `na` (North America)
        • `eu` (Europe)
        • `kr` (Korea)
      • String, required
    • email
      • The Email address registered with the Valorant Store Checker (VSC)
      • String, required
If the user has Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled, an additional request to
is required to complete the connection process.

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/connect' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "password": "RIOT_ID_PASSWORD", "region": "ap", "email": "VSC_REGISTERED_EMAIL" }'

{ "status": "ok", "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "icon": "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/rank/unranked.png", "region": "ap" }

{ "2fa": "ok", "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "region": "ap", "email": "VSC_REGISTERED_EMAIL", "cookies": { "tdid": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6ImRlbW8gdXNlciIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.V0Qn5QfaBEUfZe7InfOCJyNQ7sgagMsoqLql_kbFSq8", "asid": "ASDADADADGQTDVabu6avrq76v_xyftvfqtyvdfy.31ac23cacaxAb9", "clid": "as1" }, "otp": "" }

If the user has Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled ("2fa": "ok"), you need to make a subsequent request to
using the same response received from
but with the otp value updated to the 6-digit OTP received. No other changes to the response are required.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • 2fa
      • Accept only "ok", indicates that 2FA is enabled for the user.
      • String, required
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • region
      • The Region associated with the Valorant account.
        • `ap` (Asia Pacific)
        • `na` (North America)
        • `eu` (Europe)
        • `kr` (Korea)
      • String, required
    • email
      • The Email address registered with the Valorant Store Checker (VSC)
      • String, required
    • cookies
      • A set of cookies returned for further authentication and session management.
        • `tdid` (Token identifier for authentication purposes)
        • `asid` (Additional session identifier.)
        • `clid` (Client identifier.)
      • Object, required
    • otp
      • The One-Time Password (OTP) required for the 2FA process. Leave it empty initially.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/2fa-connect' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "2fa": "ok", "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "region": "ap", "email": "VSC_REGISTERED_EMAIL", "cookies": { "tdid": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6ImRlbW8gdXNlciIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.V0Qn5QfaBEUfZe7InfOCJyNQ7sgagMsoqLql_kbFSq8", "asid": "ASDADADADGQTDVabu6avrq76v_xyftvfqtyvdfy.31ac23cacaxAb9", "clid": "as1" }, "otp": "6_DIGIT_OTP" }'

{ "status": "ok", "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "icon": "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/rank/unranked.png", "region": "ap" }

This API endpoint allows you to connect to the Valorant Store Checker service and retrieve information related to a Riot ID. Users will be automatically disconnected from the Valorant Store Checker service after one hour of connecting.
To generate the access token URL visit Riot web client and sign in, or skip if already signed in. After succe sigining in visit authorization link to generate URL with access token.
Go to the access token URL that you got from the above and follow this steps to get the reauth cookie.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • url
      • Complete authorization URL with the access token
      • String, required
    • ssid
      • Cookie Reauth (user will only be logged in for 1 hour if you don't share SSID.)
      • String
    • region
      • The Region associated with the Valorant account.
        • `ap` (Asia Pacific)
        • `na` (North America)
        • `eu` (Europe)
        • `kr` (Korea)
      • String, required
    • email
      • The Email address registered with the Valorant Store Checker (VSC)
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/connect-with-token' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "url": "https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/opt_in/#access_token=eyJraWQiOiIxIi..asdsa.eyJwcCI6eyJjIjoiYXMif..._rwRBNNJIsEBblYjNg&scope=account+openid&iss=https%3A%2F%2Fauth.riotgames.com&id_token=eyJraWQiOiIxIiwidHlwI...ifQ.eyJhdF9oYXNoIj...r6DvxZquZqAc9xw&token_type=Bearer&session_state=YMvVdsojH-...2Br8Xc.IYL33...ktfjg&expires_in=3600", "region": "ap", "email": "VSC_REGISTERED_EMAIL", "ssid": "eyJhbGciOiJI...iIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzc2lkIjoiRXI1bG0wVjMyVlhTSmx0ODJPSE1NQS4ycDhGRGZjeEtyOFRVVGlMMF...TFkMzBhY2FlZmE5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzI3MTA3NjQ4fQ.Rh3lJRXnUskrfOStP9K3EuUSqLlPDyC4tVGwV6sx52I", "hash": "YOUR_API_KEY", }'

{ "status": "ok", "riotid": "GAME_NAME#TAG_LINE", "icon": "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/rank/unranked.png", "region": "ap" }

This API endpoint allows you to if a RIOT ID is connected to the Valorant Store Checker service in order to retrieve their data.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/login-expired-check' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID" }'

{ "status": "logedin", "id": "RIOT_ID", "password": "data not stored!" }

{ "msg": "Login to use the app.", "status": "login" }

This API endpoint allows you to disconnect the Riot ID from the Valorant Store Checker service.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • email
      • The Email address registered with the Valorant Store Checker (VSC)
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/disconnect' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "email": "VSC_REGISTERED_EMAIL" }'

{ "status": "ok", "riotid": "RIOT_ID", "region": "ap", "icon": "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/rank/unranked.png", }

This API endpoint returns data and assets of all weapons.

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/all-skins' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

{ "status": "success", "image": [ "578e9077-4f88-260c-e54c-b988425c60e4.webp", "89baf0f4-4648-69fc-f0af-2fbc69b97b80.webp", "a00e2e2b-431a-1f84-e6d0-a58f4fe1e56b.webp", "549b06bb-4704-25ce-19d5-c9b70b10de19.webp", .... "708abbc6-4579-4452-4293-07ba45e78979.webp", "5bf17117-4ead-a0a8-2961-288d38985e93.webp", "b577585f-4171-19a1-2899-848460de8089.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Altitude Odin", "1": "Xenohunter Odin", "2": "Rune Stone Odin", ... "650": "BlastX Polymer KnifeTech Coated Knife", "651": "Ego Knife", "652": "Winterwunderland Candy Cane" }, "price": { "0": "1275", "1": "1775", "2": "Battle Pass", ... "650": "4350", "651": "3550", "652": "2550" }, "uuid": { "0": "89be9866-4807-6235-2a95-499cd23828df", "1": "94c085e6-48e1-c879-2552-88bf7850c5a8", "2": "abef8114-4495-6da7-2ade-02bd0f014fd3", ... "650": "5844ccd5-4a8d-e84d-b5b1-dfaaa8f34d84", "651": "c52fe5d7-4500-ffc0-cbcd-bfa29b7ea040", "652": "e49c0fd2-435c-2c41-9164-4996080f455b" }, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint returns data and assets of the currently available bundle.

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/bundle' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

{ "status": "success", "reset_time": "853194", "wallpaper": [ "NO LIMITS", "https://media.valorant-api.com/bundles/dcf781ee-4f66-8dac-cfaa-e2ad412bce32/displayicon.png", "https://media.valorant-api.com/bundles/dcf781ee-4f66-8dac-cfaa-e2ad412bce32/verticalpromoimage.png" ], "total": 5100, "image": [ "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/skin_image/cb931d7a-48c9-f349-6276-1b9aba1ef3e9.webp", ... "https://cdn.thevalohub.com/skin_image/6359a802-440e-b775-4ba4-fa88d3bddb07.webp" ], "names": { "0": "NO LIMITS Vandal", ... "4": "NO LIMITS Bat" }, "price": { "0": "1275", ... "4": "2550" }, "uuid": { "0": "44a98286-4e42-6976-937f-c982c5a31a79", ... "4": "b6d1788f-4ef6-6b05-3650-43bd455ba744" }, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint returns data and assets of the requested weapon skin UUID.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • uuid
      • The UUID associated with a weapon skin.
      • Some weapon skin UUID
        • 89be9866-4807-6235-2a95-499cd23828df
        • 97af88e4-4176-9fa3-4a26-57919443dab7
        • 72e724e9-4ba4-2d12-ce1a-8db1a528b9d3
        • 2674c385-4397-0383-04df-988d8d6fd2c8
        • e49c0fd2-435c-2c41-9164-4996080f455b
        • 9d71edb0-453c-defa-507d-57aa2935b379
        • 0acbabbe-4f4c-f643-284b-f69029abb54e
        • 5eec4ce6-443d-e9b5-4c5b-2b967d426bd3
        • 5b43d27b-419c-f2bc-53fe-d7829dad46b3
        • 13f553a1-4124-7c29-05e9-e7932fdeabb67
      • String, required
    • refresh
      • Default refresh value like `true`, `false`.
      • String, optional

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/skin' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ "uuid": "97af88e4-4176-9fa3-4a26-57919443dab7" }'

{ "image": [ "9667983e-4c8c-e5b2-68d7-be84f9b3d46c.webp", ... "bba7f46f-41ee-9e6c-c37a-dca8ee4bf50e.webp" ], "lvl": { "0": "https://valorant.dyn.riotcdn.net/x/videos/release-06.06/72c8af91-f9f9-4044-801c-3e73ee2f2aa1_default_universal.mp4", ... "3": "https://valorant.dyn.riotcdn.net/x/videos/release-06.06/1f8a6fe7-06a4-4cf4-8d1a-e4db58a0f700_default_universal.mp4" }, "lname": { "0": "Glitchpop Odin", ... "3": "Glitchpop Odin Level 4" }, "names": { "0": "Glitchpop Odin", ... "3": "Glitchpop Odin Level 4 (Variant 3 Gold)" }, "price": { "0": "1275", ... "3": "1275" }, "noVideo": false, "bundle": "Glitchpop", "related": { "image": [ "7e44fc1b-44fa-cdda-8491-f8a5bca1cfa3.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Glitchpop Vandal" }, "price": { "0": "2175" }, "uuid": { "0": "74789f33-4632-8052-96d7-258538721a32" } }, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint returns all data and assets of requested weapon category.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • gun
      • Default gun name like `vandal`, `phantom`, `classic`.
      • Allowed gun names
        • odin
        • ares
        • vandal
        • phantom
        • bulldog
        • guardian
        • spectre
        • stinger
        • ghost
        • classic
        • frenzy
        • sheriff
        • shorty
        • marshal
        • operator
        • bucky
        • judge
        • knife [beta]
      • String, required
    • refresh
      • Default refresh value like `true`, `false`.
      • String, optional

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/gun' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ "gun": "classic" }'

{ "status": "success", "image": [ "90cd5d86-4516-918b-29af-07b116f63aa9.webp", ... "bbbe4b32-457c-e4fb-a674-1d9c3885d331.webp" ], "names": { "0": "RGX 11z Pro Classic", ... "34": "Final Chamber Classic" }, "price": { "0": "2175", ... "34": "Sage" }, "uuid": { "0": "111680fd-4562-f658-af1c-ed8f9cfe9f9c", ... "34": "47d5e54a-48e5-b62a-5cf5-3cb7efc12e90" }, "gunname": "classic", "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint allows you to get the daily store data and assets associated with the Riot ID from the Valorant Store Checker service.
Users need to remain connected to the Valorant Store Checker service in order to retrieve their data.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/daily-store' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID" }'

{ "reset_time": "69877", "image": [ "4a5ad8cd-4684-a47c-b393-ce9c6760d21a.webp", ... "f2a7150b-4894-0dc8-53b3-bf9a30fa4ea4.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Glitchpop Bulldog", ... "3": "Snowfall Classic" }, "price": { "0": "2175", ... "3": "1275" }, "uuid": { "0": "285c6731-4451-b930-7a3d-c5a736d00f5e", ... "3": "464887be-4a07-690e-2d02-e187c8bbe8d5" }, "accessories": [ { "uuid": "33965b54-45cf-ff36-0b2d-f1a0403a4d8f", "displayName": "Rooftop Revelry Card", "type": "cards", "icon": "cards/33965b54-45cf-ff36-0b2d-f1a0403a4d8f.webp", "largeIcon": "cards-large/33965b54-45cf-ff36-0b2d-f1a0403a4d8f.webp", "cost": 4500 } ... { "uuid": "a85b109c-4252-b779-cfdc-b28f9a774b89", "displayName": "HaloHalo", "type": "buddies", "icon": "buddies/a85b109c-4252-b779-cfdc-b28f9a774b89.webp", "cost": 5500 } ], "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint allows you to get the loadout data and assets associated with the Riot ID from the Valorant Store Checker service.
Users need to remain connected to the Valorant Store Checker service in order to retrieve their data.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • refresh
      • Default refresh value like `true`, `false`.
      • String, optional

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/loadouts' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID" }'

{ "image": [ "549b06bb-4704-25ce-19d5-c9b70b10de19.webp", ... "8e9f610a-41ea-ff48-d102-c7a0e5614c84.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Glitchpop Odin Level 4", ... "17": "Xenohunter Knife Level 2" }, "price": { "0": "2175", ... "17": "3550" }, "uuid": { "0": "97af88e4-4176-9fa3-4a26-57919443dab7", ... "17": "c5482640-4652-6948-29c6-769e8198db27" }, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

This API endpoint allows you to get the owned items data and assets associated with the Riot ID from the Valorant Store Checker service in a filtered manner.
Users need to remain connected to the Valorant Store Checker service in order to retrieve their data.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/owned-skins' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID" "gun": "phantom", "type": "guns", "refresh": true }'

{ "type": "guns", "image": [ "9f6e4612-433b-aea9-1683-3db7aee90848.webp", "28a7fd58-425c-6aa7-40d6-539d5fdac46c.webp", ... "c00e786e-4e6f-0ef7-0ce3-32ba9918ba41.webp", "6801a1ce-4716-d0df-1a2a-a485119804e5.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Glitchpop Phantom", "1": "Radiant Entertainment System Phantom", ... "9": "Oni Phantom", "10": "Shellspire Phantom" }, "price": { "0": "2175", "1": "2975", ... "9": "1775", "10": "Battle Pass" }, "uuid": { "0": "25a7f0f2-4bce-7e45-b4b0-ca9264f5dfcc", "1": "4eb45d71-4fa4-be4f-7409-cf92123f1d22", ... "9": "36791b03-452d-8dad-0091-898cc28d2196", "10": "80b755a5-4fce-0529-8678-969eab271efe" }, "metaData": { "email": "asijit1610@gmail.com", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "Rate limit": "INF0 - 100 requests per minute. Please try again later if exceeded.", "timestamp": "2024-09-23T23:13:20.171Z" } }

This API endpoint allows you to get the limited time Night.Market data and assets associated with the Riot ID from the Valorant Store Checker service.
Users need to remain connected to the Valorant Store Checker service in order to retrieve their data.
Request Parameters
  • Parameters
    • riotid
      • The Riot ID associated with the Valorant account.
      • String, required
    • refresh
      • Default refresh value like `true`, `false`.
      • String, optional

curl -L 'https://api.thevalohub.com/nightmarket' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' --data-raw '{ "riotid": "RIOT_ID" }'

{ "reset_time": "846428", "image": [ "21ceb4b1-480f-dddb-1422-8aad73519181.webp", ... "deb200a8-447c-0e47-5b92-e8aeb9cd5525.webp" ], "names": { "0": "Ion Energy Sword", ... "5": "Doodle Buds Shorty" }, "price": { "0": 3550, ... "5": 1775 }, "uuid": { "0": "46664f5b-49ca-3e09-4fe5-56bdef536335", ... "5": "9a37b09b-4768-b368-52ef-58ac62564637" }, "disc": { "0": 2343, ... "5": 1332 }, "discper": { "0": 34, ... "5": 25 }, "metaData": { "email": "YOUR_EMAIL", "stage": "prd", "platform": "api", "timestamp": "2023-06-18T02:27:11.074Z" } }

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